Kampung Niroh is located in Gua Musang district of Kelantan. The research is covered in 25km2 area. Sungai Galas also found in the area which flow across the area fi-om north to south. It is the main river in the research area and connected to Sungai Subong as well. The drainage patterns in the area are mostly covered by dendritic and radial pattern at a small part of the area. The objective of the research is to produce a geological map of Kampung Niroh, Gua Musang with the scale of 1:25000. Geological mapping is conducted to collect information and rock samples in the research area. Rock samples collected in study area has undergo petrography analysis to obtain the actual mineral content of the rock, and further assisted in confirming the lithology of the area. Geological map is formed by using ArcGIS according to the lithology in the study area. The final results showed that the area is mostly covered by sedimentary rocks including shales, sandstones, tuffs, and limestones. A geological structure such as dragged fold was discovered in the area as well. Dendritic drainage patterns showed that most of the area is covered by rocks that had similar resistance to weathering. Radial drainage pattern is found in the area which had a central elevated point, also confirmed as the highest point in the research area. Geomorphologies of Kampung Niroh are mostly covered by hills and fluvial area nearby Sungai Galas since the highest elevation of the area is only 320 meters. At the end of this research a geological map is produced with exact information about the lithology of the area. Geologic condition of the research area also can be studied according to the geomorphology, drainage pattems, and geological structures data that has been obtained. The correlation of lithology and geomorphology was obtained based on physical and mechanical properties of rocks, drainage controlled, and vegetation controlled.