Mangroves forests play an important role in the management of coastal ecosystem of Malaysia. However, day by day, the totals of mangrove mangroves forests become smaller due to high demand for aquaculture, industrials development and urbanisation. This study is to determine the comparison of bird diversity between water bird and terrestrial bird at mangrove area in Tumpat, Kelantan by using point count method. 256 individuals were recorded representing 39 species and 23 families from the study. Out of the total, 28 species (202 detection, 78.91%) and ll species (54 detection, 21.09%) were belongs to terrestrial bird and water bird respectively. From the result analysis, the highest detection for terrestrial bird were Yellow-vented Bulbul (49 detection) while the lowest were Lesser Coucal (1 detection). Little Egret (13 detection) is the highest detection for water bird while the lowest is White—bellied Sea Eagle (l detection). The highest diversity indices recorded was species diversity (Shann0n’s index =2.90), species richness (Margalef s index=5.09) and species evenness, (Pielou’s index: 0.87) was recorded in terrestrial bird. The results of this study signified that mangrove area in Tumpat is an important habitat for birds as it provides foods, shelters, nesting and roosting site for water bird as well as terrestrial bird.