Risk is an uncertainty that might be happen during operating the modern technique of cultivation, which is fertigation system. In order to assess the risk, the risk management
steps can be useful to the farmers. This research attempts to identify the risk of fertigation system that the farmers faced around Malaysia nowadays. Besides, to determine socio-personnel, psychological and economic profile of the farmers with the severity level of risk towards fertigation farmers in Malaysia and also to evaluate the perception and attitude of fertigations’ farmers towards risk in fertigation. Based on this research, it can be said that the risk assessment influenced the severity level of risk at their farm. The study is carried out by using questionnaires within 100 of respondents which distributed within South, North, East Malaysia, East Coast, West Coast of Malaysia. The result was analyse by using descriptive analysis, Chi-square analysis,
risk matrix and also Pareto analysis. In the nutshell, all the variables have their own categorize which are production, price and market, technology, financial, and human resource (Objective 1). Besides, from the 5 variables from severity graph it can be concluded that there is a significant and positive relationship between selected
variables from demographic with severity of risk. Therefore, the alternate hypothesis is accepted (Objective 2). In addition, the highlighted risk from attitude section indicates that the farmers are a risk avoidance person (Objective 3).