This study aim to assess the general geology and geoheritage potential of fossil conservation in Aring 4, Gua Musang, Kelantan. Geoheritage is defined as the selection of abiotic elements which have significant values in geological conservation. As for fossil geoheritage site, the assessment is derived from geoheritage potential values; compiled measurements of scientific, educational, aesthetic and economic value. Very few researches have been done to preserve fossil diversity at Aring area. Fossil can provide crucial indicator in determining the rock ages, fossil succession and correlating past depositional environment of an area. Preserving fossil is important for academic purposes (paleontological studies and further research). The focus of this research is to produce geological map of study area with the scale of l :25000. Besides that, the research focus on to identify the geoheritage value of fossil in the study area and to classify the study area as a fossil geoheritage potential site. The methodology used for this research is field mapping, which are conducted with geological mapping, geomorphological observation, structural geology analysis, lithology study and paleontology. Laboratory works for this research are focusing on petrography analysis of the rock samples and fossils identification. Lithology found in study area were dominated by mudstone unit I, tuff unit and mudstone unit II. Several types of fossils were found and identified in Aring area. Bivalve, ammonite and brachiopods were found preserved in argillite sediments of tuffaceous mudstone and shale of Telong Formation indicated the geological age from Middle to Late Triassic. Brachiopod, trilobite, corals and porifera were also found preserved in carbonaceous limestone outcrop. The most clearly defined fossils were found exposed along the road cutting Gua Musang»Kuala Berang. Eventhough the amounts of fossils found were dispersed in Aring area, however, were not sufficient to acknowledge Aring 4 as a potential spot as geoheritage site.