Gua Setir is a limestone hill that covers the length of 1300m, where is located in Kelantan. This study was conducted due to no data recorded at Gua Setir, Kelantan. The main purpose of this study was to record the diversity and abundance of bats at Gua Setir by using mist nets and harp trap that had been set up for about twenty-six nights. The mist nets and harp trap was set up at the placed that had been chosen due to the probability of getting good sampling results. A total of 224 individuals with five different families and 15 different species had been recorded. From the overall data, this results showed the high diversity and abundance of bats (0.674 indexes of species evenness). All the data recorded was interpreted by using diversity indexes (species richness, species evenness, Shannonwiener index). Species accumulation curve used to show the effectiveness of sampling period towards sampling result. Megaderma lyra, Miniopterus medius, and Miniopterus schreibersii had been recorded as a new record of bats species in Kelantan. The samples collected were properly preserved in containers by adding 70% of alcohol solution. In improving this research for the future there were a few factors that had been discussed.