This research study was conducted in Sungai Relai North, Gua Musang. The study area is located in the latitude of between 4°53'23.878" N and 4°50'40.355" N and the longitude between 102°11'1.009" E and 102°13'45.148" E. Study area is located in a rural area and still insufficient geological information and the fossil occurrence in Sungai Relai can lost through development factor and weathering process. The objectives for this research are to generate geological map of the study area in Sungai Relai North in the scale 1:25,000, to identify the fossil occurrence in the study area and to interpret the depositional environment of study area based on the fossil occurrence. The method used in this research is geological mapping in order to identify the geomorphology, lithology and structural geology of study area. Based on this research, there are three major lithologies units found which are meta-sedimentary unit, pyroclastic volcanic rock unit and mudrock unit. The formation of study area was known as Telong formation. The topography of study area is undulating and hilly terrain with highest elevation is 220m which mostly covered by oil palm plantation and rubber tree plantation. For the specification study, method used are fossil sampling and fossil analysis. There are about ten species of fossils found in the study area which are Posidonia kedahensis Kobayashi, Anadontophora sp., Neoschizodus sp., Frankites apertus (Mojsisovics), Frankites regoledanus (Mojsisovics), Clionitetis sp., Zestoceras sp., Celtites epolensis Mojsisovics, Megaphyllites jarbas Mojsisovics, and Actinocamax plenus. All fossil found indicate the Mesozoic era. The depositional environment of study area was interpreted as marine depositional environment based on fossil occurrence. This palaeontology research study plays important roles in leading the effort to conserve the fossil heritage and fossil sites, that expected to provide an interesting and educational view of past life.