Bukit Bucu had been acknowledged as one of the fossils abundance site. The aim of this study is to improve the lack of previous research as the objective of this research are to produce geological map of 1:25000 scales, to identify the fossil assemblages and to determine the depositional environment of Bukit Bucu. Therefore, methods for this research are by producing geological 1:25000 map, calculating percentage of fossil in determining the assemblages and based on lithofacies determine the depositional environment. As result, total fossil per phylum identified are 184 as six phyla (Brachiopoda, Mollusca, Bryozoan, Echinodettnata, Trilobita and Plantae) were determined. Correspondingly, the most abundance distribution of fossil is phylum Echinodermata and the most abundance species is phylum Brachiopoda. Thus, based on lithofacies the depositional environment of Bukit Bucu focused on deltaic depositional environment supported by the findings terrestrial plant fossil at the delta top and marine fossil at the delta front and also secondary structures that existed shows the mouth bar facies at delta front.