Granite is categorise as one of the igneous rock type. People have used granite for thousands years. It is used as a construction material such as for building, bridges, paving, monuments, countertops, tiles and many other design elements. Granite is commonly choose as a raw material due to its unique characteristics and also its strength and durability. Granite is one of the strongest stones available and it is also long-lasting as it is very resistance to weathering. This research is mainly about the geology and geochemistry analysis of granite in Rabbana Village or Kg Rabbana, Jeli, Kelantan. Geochemistry is one of the field in Earth Science that can explain the mechanisms behind major geological systems such as the Earth's crust and its oceans using the principles of chemistry. The study area covered approximately 25 km2 bounded between latitude 5°41'37.62"N to 5°44'15.94"N and longitude 101°46'3.35"E to 101°48'48.83"E. The objectives of this study are to update geological map of Kampung Rabbana with scale of 1:25,000, to analyse major chemical composition of granitoids in the study area by using XRF method and to identify rare earth elements (REE) in granitoids using ICP-DES method. In this research, the samples that have been collected were mainly rock samples consisting of, metamorphic rock and igneous rock. The types of rock sampling used is grab sampling and chip sampling. Grab sampling is done by collecting samples randomly or by the highest degree of visible mineralization. The five samples were tested at 5 different locations that are further apart from each other and according to their differences of the grain size and colour of the granite samples. According to the result of the type of granite using XRF, only samples that are different from each other in chemical composition are tested using ICP-OES method, in order to identify the presence of REE concentration in the rock itself. The main findings of the study is the varieties of igneous rock type that presence in the study area. The igneous rocks appear to be ranging from greyish to white igneous rock were then categorized as felsic to intermediate igneous rock. From the geological findings, five main lithology such as schist, gneiss, homfels, and granite with minor andesitic rock were identified and geological map with scale 1:25,000 was then constructed. The result produced from the XRF analysis concluded that granitoid in the study area were classified as S-type granite. XRF results were interpreted using Harker diagram to know the elemental distribution in the samples were in ions to the geological conditions of the rock. Next, two samples were selected to be selected to know the trace elements or rare earth elements (REE) using the ICP-OES method. From the analysis, it shows REE in both of the granitoids. This conforms the potential of REE in granitoid rock.