Sesame is a member of Pedaliaceae family and belongs to the genus Sesamum. They are origin from Africa and comprise of 36 species. These species is generally known as black benniseeds and sesamum. It is cultivated mainly for oilseeds and hold national importance as traditional plant. These plants requires the better practice of germinating the S.radiatum seeds for determining their quality and suitability for planting. The aimed of this research to find the suitable method that increases the gradiatuin plant through germination process. However, these research have two main objectives to be achieved: (i) to find the effective methods in seed germination of S.radiatum and (ii) to observe the growth and development stages of S.radiatum seedlings. In this research, two treatment method have been used to improve the seed germination such as water and chemical treatments. In which the water treatment has three categories of (1) soaked in warm water for a few seconds then soaked for 24 hours in room temperature, (2) soaked in hot water for a few seconds and (3) soaked for 24 hours in temperature. Both (1) and (2) categories involved the use of different temperature range from 15°C to 90°C with the increment of 15°C each. Moreover, chemical treatments were also been used involving five types of chemical such as hydrochloric acid (0.2%) solution, sulphuric acid (0.2%) solution, nitric acid (0.2%) solution, gibberellic acid (500 ppm) and thiourea (0.5%) solution. The average growth of chemical treatment was more effective than water treatment. All the chemical treatments showed positive results of seedlings growth. Alternatively, not all the water treatments showed positive result, some seeds prefer to germinate at minimum temperature of 15°C while others start germinate at maximum temperature of 60°C. In the first category of water treatment, the germination capacity increased at minimum temperature and begin to decrease in the germination capacity as the temperature increases. Conversely, the highest germination capacity of second category of water treatment was at maximum temperature of 60°C. A high germination capacity was achieved when the seeds were soaked in thiourea solution followed by nitric acid and gibberellfc acid. The results obtained in this research show that the seeds of S.radiatum have been experiences exogenous dormancy which can be overcome by water and chemical treatments. The species of seeds that shows dormancy behavior, it was advisable to develop an effective strategies to ensure a uniform seedling development and greater and homogenous percentage of seed germination. The results of this research provide an important information on effective techiques used to improve the seed germination S.radiatum.