Solo travellers are becoming an increasingly growing in tourism market. Due to increasingly market for solo traveller among women, the needs to be more research to
understand on their motivation factors and constraint faced by them. This study is to identify the factors that influence the women solo travellers experience. Three influencing factors were investigated in this study, which are social-cultural constraint, personal constraint, and
safety security constraint. Data were collected using online survey, which is Google form for the ease of approaching and reaching a wide range of respondents among women sole
travellers in Malaysia. The respondents were reached via the convenience sampling method. A total number of 201 respondents were selected as sample for this study. Their responses were collected, and recorded using a five-point Likert scale that ranges from 1 (Never) through 5 (Always). The result shows that social-culture constraints have a higher relationship towards women solo travellers'experience to visit tourism destination compared with other variables. This research is expected to expand the body of knowledge in women solo travellers related literatures. In conclusion, relevant discussions, recommendations, and limitations of the study were proposed in this study to boost Malaysia’s position as the preferred destination of choice.