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Reproductive Behaviour Of Captive Male Malayan Tigers (Panthera Tigris Jacksoni)


Batrisyia Bazla Husain (2025) Reproductive Behaviour Of Captive Male Malayan Tigers (Panthera Tigris Jacksoni). Final Year Project thesis, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. (Submitted)


The Malayan tiger (Panthera tigris jacksoni), a critically endangered subspecies, faces a significant risk of extinction. Effective conservation strategies, particularly captive breeding programs, are crucial to ensuring the species' survival. However, successful reproduction in captivity is challenged by various factors, including stress, limited space, and social dynamics, which can affect the reproductive behaviour of male tigers. Understanding these behaviours is crucial for enhancing breeding success and supporting population growth. This study aims to bridge the gap, providing understanding of the reproductive behaviour of captive male Malayan tiger. The study was conducted at the National Wildlife Rescue Centre (NWRC) in Sungkai, Perak. Focal observation through closed-circuit video (CCTV) of the reproductive behaviours of captive male Malayan tigers (n=2) was conducted daily between 08:00 and 17:00hours for a period of 24 days. The key reproductive behaviours such as prustening, the Flehmen response, rolling, rubbing, and other mating-related activities were observed and recorded in a sampling ethogram sheet. Data obtained were analysed to categorize and evaluate the specific patterns of reproductive behaviour in captive male Malayan tiger. The research found that Yeop Kuang (T1M) exhibited a significant increase in the frequency of synchronized behaviours with Mek Santong (T1F), particularly prustening, rubbing, and rolling, which suggests a closer bond and active courtship. This increased synchronization highlights the potential for improving mating interactions in captive settings, as these behaviours may indicate higher reproductive readiness and compatibility. In contrast, the study also found that Apek Bihai (T2M), another male tiger, showed fewer and less frequent reproductive behaviours, possibly due to his younger age and lower acclimatization to captivity. The limited display of prustening and Flehmen response supports the idea that age and environmental factors may play a significant role in shaping reproductive behaviours. The findings from this research provide valuable insights into the reproductive dynamics of male Malayan tigers in captivity, emphasizing the importance of behavioural synchronization and environmental factors. Keywords: Captive breeding, Conservation, Focal observations, Male Malayan tigers, Reproductive behaviour,

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Additional Metadata

Item Type: Undergraduate Final Project Report
Collection Type: Final Year Project
Date: 12 February 2025
Number of Pages: 50
Call Number: DVT 035
Supervisor: Associate Prof Dr Choong Siew Shean
Programme: Doctor Of Veterinary Medicine
Institution: Universiti Malaysia Kelantan
Faculty/Centre/Office: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
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