This thesis is presented to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Universiti Malaysia Kelantan under the subject code DVT 55204 Research Project
This study explores the differences of the genetic diversity of the viral RNA of Feline Coronavirus which is collected from local cats of some region in Kelantan whether the cats are healthy or exerting symptoms reminiscent of Feline Infectious Peritonitis and to be compared with Feline Infectious Peritonitis viral which was sequenced from previous research. The genetic diversity stems from the two theories which had been proposed to justify the mutagenic virus of Feline Coronavirus. The theories are “Internal mutation theory” and “High-Low virulent theory”. Feline Coronavirus are very ubiquitous in nature and can be isolated from the gastrointestinal tract of some felids or sometimes even the blood. There have been multiple studies which explore the patient signalment and pedigree of cats which are suggestive of pathological development for the fatal Feline infectious peritonitis virus. There was no genetic diversity observed from the sample population based on Nested Polymerase Chain Reaction. It was reported that 3/20 blood samples were positive and 14/24 rectal fluids samples were found positive when performing the molecular detection using the same primers.
Key Words: “FcoV , FCCoV, Alpha Coronavirus, FIP, RNA”