An abstract of the research paper presented to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, in partial requirement on the course DVT 55204 – Research Project Equine lameness is a condition that is commonly found in horses in Malaysia. This retrospective study was done to determine the prevalence of equine lameness in horses in University Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, the diagnostic approach to evaluate the lameness in horses, and the risk factors that associated with equine lameness in University Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Data was collected from University Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan from the year 2019 to 2021. Cases from physical case file available was analysed for this retrospective study. Chi-square test was used to analysed the risk factors associated with the incidence of equine lameness in horses from the year 2019 to 2021. The overall prevalence of equine lameness in horses that was presented to University Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan from the year 2019 to 2021 was 50.80%. The most common and efficient way to diagnose equine lameness in this study is through Lameness Scoring system where 68.25% of the cases were evaluated by using this scoring system. The risk factors such as sex, age, breed and the purpose of the horse are not considered as associated risk factors with equine lameness in horses.
Keyword: Equine lameness, Prevalence, Diagnostic Method, Risk Factors