Recent commerce graduates face challenges in securing employment due to the rapid evolution of the industry. A major contributor is their readiness for the job market, mainly influenced by the curriculum during their undergraduate studies. This study at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan explores the factors that influence student commitment among commerce students. In this study, a conceptual model consisting of independent variables such as curriculum structure, teaching and learning delivery, assessment, career awareness, and facility readiness, with student commitment as the dependent variable. A quantitative research approach is used in this study by choosing a simple random sampling technique. The questionnaire was distributed through google form and 346 respondents among the population of 3559 commerce students participated in answering the questionnaire of this study. The data obtained was analyzed using IBM SPSS software. Based on the data collected from the questionnaire survey, different data analysis methods such as descriptive analysis, reliability test, Pearson correlation, and Linear Regression for hypothesis testing were carried out. In this study, hypothesis testing was carried out and the findings of the study show that all variables have positive significance towards the commitment of trade students. The commerce curriculum has the potential to create employment opportunities for undergraduate students. In addition, this curriculum will develop an innovative and global approach in Commerce. It will develop undergraduate students into more creative and visionary entrepreneurs and encourage them to run businesses.