Festivals and special events are unique in their ability to stimulate a range of feelings, imaginations, emotions, and engagement inside guests. As a result, event organisers are encouraged to broaden their vision by implementing more current strategies based on experience. In addition, a method of assessment grounded in the experience idea can help event organisers analyse the success of their events and focus in on the specifics of festival and special event attendees' personal experiences. In the end, the goal of this study is to come up with a useful way to measure how people feel about the quality of an event. Determine the whole outcome of the event from the viewpoint of the visitors’ own event experiences. It was proposed that events draw in attendees through five different types of experiences namely entertainment, educational, esthetic (sic), escapist, and festivity were. It is expected that all these elements will come together to create something truly special for each individual who attends an event.
Keywords: Experiential; Festival; Special event; Event experience; Measurement