Every tourist destination must have a good attraction element to show that the place has its uniqueness and special features for tourists or visitors to come and experience the good attractions there. The element of food also belongs to the unique aspect of a destination. The attractiveness of unique cuisine in a location greatly attracts tourists or visitors to come to that location, which is known as food tourism. The deliciousness of the food, the quality of the ingredients used, the food's texture and colour that is interesting, and the portion and the way of food are given lead visitors or tourists to desire to try the food in the location. The diversity of food has great potential to influence tourism which will attract the attention of tourists or visitors to taste the difference of foods from each destination. Food tourism can encourage individuals to consume the food since food can easily be found whenever the person visits the places. The unique experiences of other people can contribute to tourists' travel and intention as they see and perceive the meal that is engraved in tourists' minds. For example, Kelantan has the most popular local food, one of which is nasi kerabu where the rice is blue and various side dishes are served together. This study aims to determine the factors that influence tourists' intention to consume local food in Kelantan. This research used quantitative surveys with convenient sampling. The data was collected through an online survey. This study employed a quantitative method with convenient sampling, and data was gathered from 321 tourists travelling to Kelantan via online survey using social media platforms such as WhatsApp. Based on the results indicated that physical surroundings, excitement, prestige and escape from routine have a positive influence with the intention of tourists to consume the local food.
Keywords: Local Food, Food Tourism, Gastronomy Tourism, Food Experience, Culinary Tourism, Physical Surrounding, Excitement, Prestige, Escape from Routine