Experience-based learning is Kolb's theory that this learning changes the traditional learning system to the ability to think and, which will be applied to each student through four learning cycles, namely, concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptual, and active experience. The title of the study is to explore experiential learning factors in relation to 3u1i Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism, and Wellness (FHPK) students' performance. The objective of the study is to see the extent to which experiential learning can influence students through the four learning cycles. The researcher chose to conduct a qualitative research method by using a total of 90 FHPK students consisting of male and female students as respondents for this study. Through the analysis that has been carried out, most of the use of experience-based learning has a positive impact on students, this is because it greatly helps the development in terms of thinking and also how to solve problems, in relation to that, the researcher sees that the existence of experience-based learning is very helpful in improving student performance.
Keywords: experience-based learning, student performance, concrete experience, observation reflex, abstract conceptual, active experience