Now, a convenient and reliable transportation system is integral to every country’s development including Malaysia. E-hailing services are shown popular nowadays among Malaysian people, especially university students. The intermediation business (also known as e-hailing) that allows people to book public transportation using electronic applications. These services include e hailing vehicles and taxis. An e-hailing service is a private vehicle used to deliver public transportation to customers who make reservations through computerised software. The vehicle must be a motor vehicle with a seating capacity of four (4) people and a maximum capacity of eleven (11) people (including the driver). The purpose of this study is to investigate the elements that affect UMK students’ use of e-hailing services. This study uses a non-probability convenience sampling method and is quantitative in nature. Data gathered from 357 university students are analysed using Software Science for Social Science (SPSS). The faculty Entrepreneurship & Business (FKP) at the University of Malaysia Kelantan City Campus is the focus on the target respondent. The outcome shows that service quality, physical safety, and fare are important factors influencing university students’ intentions to use e-hailing services.