Generation Z these days are more creative and technology savvy than the older generation socially and financially. The problem of the study is GenZ consumers are less inclined to make long-term investments or to be concerned about the effects of a financial catastrophe on their savings, characteristics that in turn affect their desire for gold and GenZ think that investing in gold is the same as buying expensive and cumbersome physical gold. The aim of the study is to know the factor influencing of hold investment awareness among Generation Z. This research contained financial literacy, personal interest, environment and perceived behaviour as the factor to gold investment awareness. The method that researcher used in this study is used quantitative method which is through google form to collect data from individuals. The data analysis that researcher used is preliminary analysis, descriptive statistics, normality test, frequency analysis, reliability analysis, and the last one is correlation of coefficient. The number of respondent in this research are 384 respondents that only focused on Generation Z in east costs area which are Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang. Finally, the limitations and recommendations are included to help further researchers to have a better finding of the result.