An abstract of the research paper presented to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, in partial requirement on the course DVT 44603 – Research Project There is no data or information provided on pet owner’s awareness of indoor plant poisoning in pet cats in Kelantan. This study was conducted to determine the level of knowledge, attitude, and practices on indoor plant poisoning in pet cats among pet cat owners in Kelantan. This study was carried out by distributing pretested KAP to 100 respondents which have been chosen randomly in Kelantan. Based on the data collected, about 68% of the sample population was aware of plant poisoning in animals while 32% was not. Among all the respondents, 57% knows of indoor plant poisoning in pet cats, 58% knows that snake plant is poisonous to cats,
70% knows that indoor plant poisoning can lead to sudden death, 44% knows that aloe vera leaf is safe to be consumed by the cats. For the attitude and practices, the good level of awareness can be identified with 96% agreeing that they will bring the pet cats to the veterinarian as soon as possible after ingestion of the poisonous indoor plant. 54% of the respondents will do research regarding the indoor plant that they have in their house and 84% will always check the location and operation hours of the nearby veterinarian. As a conclusion, the level of knowledge, attitude and practices among the pet owners are good.
Keywords : KAP, indoor; plant; poisoning, pet cats, owners, Kelantan