The study area is located at Kg. Kuala Geris aligned between longtitude of 5°25'20.22"N to 5°22'37.00"N and latitude of 102° 2'50.00"E to 102° 5'3.07"E with the total area cover about 25km .This study area generally situated in Dabong area under Kuala Krai district. Unmodified and outdated of geological map in the study area become the main problem for this research study. Another reason is to obtain and score overall soil erosion in the study area by using Geographic Information System (GIS), since there is a lack of details and information about soil erosion in the study area. Rapid development and various kind of human activities have make significant environment impacts due to some factors.The main objective of this research study is to update and produce the geological map of the study area in scale of 1 :25,000. The interpretation and analysis is based on previous studies and also satellite imageries in order to produce and improvise a geological map. Interpretation shows that the study area comprised of two different lithostratigraphic units which are meta-sediment and schist including also with alluvium unit. Other than that, this research study is to quantify the total loss of soil in the study area by using Geographic Information System (GIS). Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) become the effective erosion modelling for soil management. A soil risk map was produced through computation of required data by using specific equation that needed in RUSLE method in ArcGIS. The results shows that the study area has a moderate rate of soil erosion which can be dangerous and threatening if unsustainable development and practices keep going on without appropriate control and preventive steps taken.The estimation of soil loss in the study area can be done as it helps to identify whether it tends to pose a threat to other environments such as floods and in turn provide mitigation measures to overcome those threats