Microenterprises prove to be significant in creating job opportunities while also improving the economic outlook in Malaysia as well as in countries around the world. This case study aims to examine the factors contributing to the success of microenterprises in Kelantan, particularly in the batik and bawal headscarf business. The sampled population will be comprised of nine batik and bawal headscarf sellers and manufactures in Pasar Siti Khadijah and Bazar Buluh Kubu, and a government official from Kelantan State Branch of Malaysian Handicraft Development Corporation. Qualitative research method will be adopted for this study by way of interviewing the participants. This study provides insight on what the microenterprises themselves perceived as the factors that contribute to their success. They perceived personal aspect which includes hard work, enthusiasm, independence of external support, experience, knowledge and skills and entrepreneurial orientation, as the main factors that contribute to the success of their business. In addition, organisational aspects which include trust and social networking also play a major role in their success. This study also highlights the possibility that many of the batik and bawal headscarf microenterprises are not aware of the availability of support programmes, especially supports that are provided by the government which can actually help them to sustain and grow their business.