Tengku Ismail diputerakan pada 21 Julai 1888.
Sejak kecil dididik dan diasuh dengan didikan agam oleh beberapa orang alim ulamak.
Belajar Bahasa Melayu dan Inggeris daripada guru-guru yang terpilih.
Telah dilantik secara rasmi sebagai pewaris takhta Kerajaan dengan gelaran 'Raja Kelantan'.
Menaiki takhta Kerajaan dan dimahkotakan dengan rasminya pada 28 April 1921 dengan gelaran Sultan Ismail.
Istiadat pertabalan ini telah dilakukan secara besar-besaran di Istana Balai Besar, Kota Bharu mengikut adat kebesaran Raja-Raja Kelantan.
Banyak perubahan dan pembaharuan dilakukan bagi memajukan Negeri Kelantan.
Bagi mengukuhkan jentera pentadbiran kerajaan, baginda banyak membuat lawatan di dalam negeri mahupun ke luar negara seperti Pulau Jawa, Thailand dan Singapura.
Seorang yang pemurah dan prihatin terhadap segala masalah dalam negeri.
Dalam zaman kemelesetan yang melanda Negeri Kelantan, baginda telah berkenan memberi pinjaman peribadi kepada Perbendaharaan Negeri Kelantan untuk menampung kekurangan kewangan bagi negeri.
Mangkat pada tahun 1944 di Istana Jahar tempat baginda bersemayam, setelah menduduki takhta Kerajaan selama 24 tahun.
Telah dimakamkan di Makam DiRaja Langgar, Kota Bharu.
His Highness Tengku Ismail was born on 21 July 1888.
Since childhood, His Highness was brought up and educated by several noteworthy religious scholars.
Was also tutored Malay and English languages by the best teachers available in the field.
During the reign of Sultan Muhammad IV, His Highness Tengku Ismail was officially appointed the heir to the throne and conferred the title "Raja Kelantan".
Ascended the throne on 28 April 1921 with the title Sultan Ismail.
The coronation ceremony was held on a grand scale at Istana Balai Besar, Kota BHaru according to the Royal traditions of the Rulers of Kelantan.
To develop the State of Kelantan, His Royal Highness Sultan Ismail brought about many changes and reformations.
His Royal Highness visited numerous places and countries to strengthen bilateral ties.
His Highness Sultan Ismail is a determined and benevolent ruler who paid close attention to the problems within the State.
During the era of recession that has affected the State of Kelantan, His Highness has consented to give personal loan to the Kelantan State Treasury to accommodate the lack of financial for the State.
His Highness Sultan Ismail passed away on year 1944 at Istana Jahar, the place where he was seated after occupying the throne for 22 years.
His Highness was buried at the Royal Mausoleum, Langgar, Kota Bharu.