The first and most objective of my study are the study about relationship of marketing and consumer attitudes with online buying behavior regarding garment products. The consumer behavior suggests that there are several factors influence their intention to buy for the garment via online before they taken the decision to buy within the online website. Due to this process, the several elements would like to be investigated in clarifying this research. Theory of Planned Behavior adapted from Ajzen, (2001) is chosen in developing conceptual framework which consist of three variables; brand, perceived risk and consumer attitudes. Here, these variables will be tested to the targeted respondents. Young consumers like undergraduate students from Business Administration courses in University Malaysia Kelantan, will be tested using questionnaire distributed to analyze the objectives proposed. Here, the objectives of this study is to identify the variables chosen have the positive relation or vice versa. Therefore, the research conducted hopefully could bring the innovation to the entrepreneurs especially to the online retailers as the improvement in their business so that they can achieve their target of sales in the future.