The objective of this research is to identify complete biography one of the prominent Islamic scholar in Kelantan, Haji Abdul Rahman Lubuk Tapah. This research also aimed to study the writing methodology used in the book Pedoman Solat Berjemaah, that is one of the important reference book used in the Pondok institution. This study also aimed to determine the development of Pondok institution in Kelantan, including the methods used in teaching and learning Fiqh, before and after Malaysian Independence. The findings of this research shown that the credibility of Haji Abdul Rahman as an Islamic scholar covers a whole range of disciplines, with an outstanding and well-respected personality. After the Independence, the development of Pondok institution in Kelantan went through a revolution phase that covers structural changes, both internally and externally. The major teaching and learning techniques applied in the institution are halaqah, lecture, question and answer session, and memorizing. This methods confirm the origanility of the knowledge that was transfered from one generation to the another. The analysis of the survey data through inductive and deductive methods shown that the method used in the book, were organized and well written chapters, the use of local dialect, and the use of respected (muktabar) references have eased the understanding of those who studied the book.