Comprehensive study on Rafflesia kerri (Rafflesiaceae) is vital to develop strategies for the conservation of this unique plant in Lojing Highlands. Thus, the study on growth and mortality rates of R. kerri in Lojing Highlands was carried out. An observation on the growth of the bud, mortality rates and its causes, flowering phenology and sex ratio of R. kerri were investigated. The method used was cluster mapping where the study area was divided into Rafflesia populations based on the available host plant. Each bud in every population was tagged. The sites were visited in every month started from May 2011 until November 2012 to measure the growth and diameter of R. kerri buds and flowers. The causes of bud damages were also recorded. Ecological data were collected from the populations that had flower and compared with the available specimen in Herbarium at FRIM and UKM. An average diameter size of the flower was ranged between 48 cm to 90 cm. Seventeen populations were recorded in Sungai Dekong at 800 m – 1500 m a.s.l. These populations were monitored and their buds were measured for 19 months. A total of 476 buds of R. kerri from 17 populations have been recorded with the most productive hosts; Tetrastigma hookeri and T. rafflesia (Vitaceae) ranged between 5.0 cm to 15.0 cm. The highest number of bud growth was recorded in Population 6 with 42.7% or 129 buds. Meanwhile, no bud growth was observed in Population 12. After conducting the study, the highest number of buds was recorded in February 2012; 14.6% or 46 buds.