Health, Safety and the Environment (HSE) at the workplace is one of the crucial elements in the performance and reputation of the company. However, some researchers reported that accident still occurred in the industry despite all the available safe work procedures and guidelines which comply with international standards, codes and practices. In this study, the author argues that the Employee Participation (EP) and Employee Psychological Ownership (EPO) are the main factors to reduce the occurrence of the accident and enhance HSE performance in the pipeline construction project of the oil and Gas Company. This was supported by Marchington and Suter (2013), and Parasuraman and Satrya (2014). The main objectives of this study are to explore the concept of accident prevention management through EP, EPO and other factors in the pipeline construction project. From the literature, it is known that EP and EPO can have positive effects on the company's business performance and increase productivity, as it could increase employee obligation and efficiency. To proceed with this research, the researcher used qualitative case study method as this was appropriate for this kind of work environment. Based on the research findings and discussion, the researcher developed a "new accident prevention model”, which suggested that, to achieve incident-free workplace, employees need to participate either directly or indirectly in HSE related activities and programmes such as HSE meeting, toolbox talk, HSE training, campaign, surveillance, audit, develop and revise project risk assessment, job hazard, and reporting of unsafe act and unsafe conditions. EPO also plays a significant role as it enhances the spirit of loyalty and a sense of belongingness to the company. In this stage, employee reaches a stage of Generative HSE culture where the elements of “respect, adhere, intervene and cares” are inculcated in their hearts and mind of the employees, which prevent occurrence of accident; thus, created an incident-free working environment that would bring great financial benefits and psychology impact to the organization and employees in general. The researcher suggested that there is a need to conduct further research on accident prevention management especially on HSE related training programs to reduce accident and loss, campaign and risk assessment analysis, EPO in reducing the work stress, EPO and decision-making involvement and emergency response exercise to reduce suffering and severity to accident victims.